One Week Until Vietnam! – Time Going to Family and Friends

<![CDATA[So I've got my Passport, my Visa Application sent, and a clear schedule all ready for my trip. I'll be coming home early this weekend to spend time with my family for the last few days in the states. I haven't really seen my family, or close "back home" friends in a long time, and when I have, it wasn't for long. This coming weekend, I'm going to dedicate the majority of my time for family and friends... but mostly family. My parents have always been my strongest supporters. Whether it's attending school (and being overly proud of my making the deans list), or my video projects, or my financial decisions, athletic ventures, or my relationships with people… my parents have been by far “my rock” of stability throughout life. So, since I haven’t been home in a while… I’m spending time with them. Not sure what we’ll do… probably just watch a lot of TV, see the horses (which I’m allergic to), yell at Cam (the dog) for being way too loud, and perhaps I’ll even make their performance this weekend. It’s also my Dad’s birthday. [charliead]]]>

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