Leaving For Indonesia Tomorrow!

<![CDATA[Remember back when I told you about Hang’s Surprise? Well, that starts tomorrow, and we’re off to Indonesia at 8:00pm (local time) tomorrow night. It’ll be yet another area of Southeast Asia to add to my experience, and a whole other culture to live within. We’ll arrive in Jakarta relatively ate at night, and stay with Hang’s friend Ela at her place. The next morning, we fly out to Bali (pictured above) and check out the sunny beaches of another paradise for three days at a nearby resort. Then it’s back to Indonesia to experience this brand new country (or at least new to me… it’s quite old as it is). We’ll be there until June 14th, so many of the posts I’ll be entering in within the next week or so will be about Indonesia. I have so many things to publish here about Vietnam that I haven’t done so yet, and many of them are kinda typed up already too. I’ll be posting a lot of things randomly throughout the next month or so, and they may not be in order or anything. You’ll still get to know what it’s like to be in a country other than the USA (or at least a taste). Thank you for tuning in guys… be patient while I work to make everything presentable in my bits of spare “down-time.” Remember also that Facebook is blocked for pretty much all of Vietnam, so if you want to comment in a place where I can see it, you should do it using the comment field below each post. I will respond to you guys this way as well. Thanks! [charliead]]]>

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