Moments In Cuba: Is The Water Safe To Drink?

<![CDATA[One thing we were informed about Cuba was that it's a humid place, and that we should drink more water than normal to stay hydrated, especially when being active. For the duration of our stay on the island, we were buying bottled water and filling coolers with gatorade. We were never (to my knowledge) specifically told not to drink the normal water available in Cuba from the tap though. Many people, including myself, wondered whether or not drinking the tap water from our hotel would result in an upset stomach. Our tour guide did inform us that the water was safe to drink, but that there was a possibility that our bodies may not agree with the bacteria in the water (which would be slightly different than the normal bacteria found in our normal water in America, considering it's coming from a different place). Some players were curious about this, and were discussing whether to try drinking it or not on the second day of our trip, during practice. For the record, I drank it many times, and had no health issues to report, but at the time this video clip was recorded, I hadn't actually given it a try. [charliead]]]>

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