New Daily Show: Things I Learned Today

<![CDATA[It's a fairly simple concept: We learn something new every single day, whether we realize it or not. Sometimes, we learn something simple; something that "everyone already knows" already, and sometimes we learn things profound, like new scientific discoveries, or new technology. I'd like to talk about that in a new daily web vlog: Things I Learned Today! This will be a Monday - Friday thing where I talk about something that I learned today in a 1-2 minute show, and then hopefully get some feedback on it from others who've also learned something cool! Obviously, if I'm traveling over seas, like to Vietnam, this will not be able to be published every day. However, I will still make a show when I can. Maybe it'll be a "this week" kinda thing, where it's a little longer and covers bigger things. I hope to cover almost everything that I pay attention to every day, from technology and science, to current events, to career, to even personal life stuff. Really, it's an experimental, experiential show that will be made successful only by a will to keep it going, and by viewer interaction. The biggest thing about this for me is going to be people reactions. It's going to be people talking back with me about everything. I'm really excited about others telling me something they learned today as well. Let's learn together! [charliead]]]>

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