Allergies May Lower Your Risk Of Cancer

<![CDATA[On this episode of "Things I Learned Today," I discovered a study that states that there is a strong relationship between allergies and more serious ailments like cancer. Apparently, because of how allergies affect the human body, and typically promote you to expel germs and mucous, it also promotes the removal of stuff that can contribute to the development of cancer cells. Paul Sherman, a professor of neurobiology and behavior at Cornell, led a study where he and colleagues analyzed nearly 650 individual studies on allergies and cancers published over the last 50 years. In doing this, they assembled what they call, "the most comprehensive database yet available" on allergies and cancers. The results of their findings show significantly more negative correlations between people with allergies and people with cancers, suggesting that the act of having an annual period of hell (usually in the summer months) can actually aid your body's immune system and overall health, helping to prevent cancer. If you'd like to read up more on the study, you can make your way over to the Cornell Chronicle for more information. [alert type=”success”]The best part about “Things I Learned Today” is the sharing element. It isn’t just about what I learned, but it’s about you as well! You can join in on the show by telling me what you learned today in the comments below! It’s fun. Join in.[/alert] [charliead]]]>

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