QOTD: Name Five People You Would Like To Meet, Dead or Alive. Why?

<![CDATA[Hello folks! New series for you here! Hope you like it! I've started another regular segment here on the blog that's much easier to manage and maintain, and therefore much simpler to keep track of and push out there. It's easy enough that I can probably maintain it even while I'm traveling abroad as well! I'm simply going to call it "Questions of the Day," because that's exactly what it is. I'm simply going to ask a question, and I'm hoping to get you guys talking about it in the comments! 🙂 I'll also answer the questions that I ask as well... call it an "I'll go first" sorta thing. So, let's get started:

Name Five People You Would Like To Meet, Dead or Alive. Why did you choose them?
This one’s easy for me, although I don’t have a particular order for it. It’s just a list. Some of these guys, I choose because of their brilliant minds and their innovative spirt. They conceptualized the future of our world, and pushed themselves and others to limits they never knew in order to achieve their dreams. Then, I chose Jim Carrey and Tom Hanks because they are actors that never fail to capture my attention, with Carrey’s amazing sense of humor and comedic genius, and Hanks’ inescapable ability to completely capture such a wide variety of characters. I’d love to know more about their lives and what makes them the way they are. I would sure like to meet them someday, and I’d have quite a few questions of my own to ask. [charliead]

Your Turn

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