<![CDATA[I never thought I'd see winter coats being warn on the streets in Vietnam, considering this is a tropical country and all I ever feel is warmer than comfort allows. Yet despite it being above-average temperatures compared to my home state of Michigan in the summer... some people still wear coats here. How can people think it's cold in Hanoi? I mean, I can understand if we're in the mountains or a similar scenario, because the elevation dramatically decreases the temperatures. Hanoi is sea level though, as it is a coastal city, and people everywhere are wearing coats. Above, you'll see one particular on-the-street seller arranging their collection of winter coats for people to wear. I'm walking around in shorts and a t-shirt, and it feels wonderful at 22 degrees celsius (that's about 72 degrees fahrenheit). Meanwhile the population of 7 million people in Hanoi seem to think that this winter is a cold one, and are riding around covered head-to-toe in clothing that you'd typically find people wearing in February or March in Michigan. It's nuts. I don't get it. [charliead]]]>
How Can People Think It's Cold In Hanoi, Vietnam?