Let's Play "Guess That Instrument!" – Some Music In Vietnam

<![CDATA[Here's a little taste of some musicians in Vietnam, which we seen when we visited the Museum in Ho Chi Minh City. Although I had heard the sounds before, I had never seen the equipment used to make them in action. It's pretty cool. They even had a little mini version for Hang. 😀 But what are these instruments called? Can you guess? Probably not, because to us Americans, they have funny names we can't pronounce by simply reading them. The first, which resembles a large towering bamboo xylophone is called a "t’rung". The second, which is the longer Vietnamese monocord, is called a Đàn bầu. These are traditional instruments of Vietnam, and the music could be heard quite frequently when the Americanized “pop culture” type music wasn’t playing on the radio. [charliead]]]>

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