THE ARENA – Part 27 – Divinity Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition Tactician Gameplay
Streamed here: Definitive Edition Tactician Gameplay – Part 27 – This is a co-op experience taking place Mondays and Tuesdays, starting around 7pm EST. Live streams live streams are shared here on YouTube in segments. If you are lost, and want an intro to our characters, see “Part 0” which posted alongside episode 1: […]
Sebille wins if she had Chicken Claw
Just wanted to say, I really appreciate you uploading these videos to youtube even though they don't get a ton of views. I can't usually watch live, but you still get my twitch prime
Oh shit I remember when YouTube clashed globally…the world died a little that day….until the servers came back up 1 day later
Chalie late on looting? Were you sick that day?
Well that's just the thing, if you kill all the traders who sell skill books, you can't buy any new skills (whirlwind) from them, once you reached the necessary level.