Let's Talk About My Life As A YouTuber and Streamer – Why I Don't Know Everything
I hope this video gives people a little perspective into my daily work life. This isn’t a whining video. This is a perspective sharing video. I love your faces. Thanks for watching! Links below
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Keep up the great work ,make sure you look after yourself ,I am slowly working my way through your back catalogue as well as your more recent content .Only discovered you whilst looking for Prison Architect content ,but I am enjoying your other videos as well .
Brilliant video and insight Charlie, keep it going, nice reality check for all the wannabe streamers and backseat gamers. Enjoy the rewards whatever they may be and try and have fun =)
So what your tell me is. That you Just use your mouse and keyboard to click on things all day? LOL you do a fantastic job Charlie keep up the great work and we will keep watching as much as you put out. When is the next KSP video coming out? LOL Just kidding. Have a wonderful sir.
You rock Charlie!! I just found your streams within the past 2 weeks and have been loving all of them!! I have 1 question… My wife gets seriously irritated when I stream when we could be having us/family time… How would you recommend me try to convince her that I'm "working"? Idk if I can but thanks for the help
Where do I contact you about business related information?
I'm really new to your channel so i don't have the best insist but i was looking for gameplay on divinity and the series you and runawaybot had together caught my attention but it was both your personalitys that made me want to stick around and even though the game kicked your butts at times you two were still just guys having fun and its an amazing experience i almost dont want it to ever end but what's a journey without the destination.
ps: I'm wondering if you two will get together again for divinity fallen heroes, if so i can't wait for the next journey!
Charlie just explains what it is after school
I’m a teacher so I can definitely relate to the talking all day struggle! I can imagine it’s not easy to take a bathroom break during your big chunk of streaming time, which I can relate to, too. Lol.
I definitely recommend hot tea during your chunk of down time and family time to help your voice bounce back each day. And maybe you could add the health and fitness stuff in there too some days? It could be fun to exercise together!
Best wishes and thanks for the consistent uploads in spite of your crazy work schedule!! I don’t think it’s unreasonable to have to wait three days for a video.
U live to dont u
Charlie, thank you for that very honest and forthright insight into your life. Not all YouTubers do this and it is fascinating and slightly frightening how much all creators do to make awesome content for us, the viewers. Thank you for the content and the commitment to your job and for the fun and entertaining videos you have put out. I have been a sub for about two weeks and I have already binge watched your Prison Architect: Prison Town and the first Startup Company playlist. I look forward to more content and your refreshing take on game that I really enjoy.
I didn't take this vlog as you where whining, I took it as an insight on a real person with too much responsibility, juggling with with expertise.
Oh, and I bought Startup Company because of your let's play. I'm not nearly as adept as you are but, I hope to be. Thanks again, sir!