H is for HIGHER THAN HIGHBROW! – Academia School Simulator – 08 – Hard Mode Gameplay

Academia School Simulator Hard Mode – 08: This school is for the hardened future criminals of the world! Let’s stop crime before it even begins in this Hard Difficulty school in Academia School Simulator!
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Surviving Aftermath: cpry.net/SurvivingAftermathYT
Software Inc: cpry.net/softwareincYT
Surviving Mars Green Planet: cpry.net/SurvivingMarsGPYT

BUY Academia from Steam here: store.steampowered.com/app/672630/Academia__School_Simulator/

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  1. I don't know if you plan to continue this and buy all patches of land. but if you do, for now you can just build randomly and at then end, sell off everything, since everything gets refunded for 100% of the money, and re-design the entire school to be more estatically pleasing


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