My Journey Of Self Discovery, and Why I'm Done With Debating Online
This is a rather lengthy reaction to my own actions and my own process of self discovery, and is not directed at any individual, although a rather large number of people are part of the story taking place throughout the last 2-3 years. There are various parts in here where I’ve included a “TL;DR” (“Too Long; Didn’t Read”) for those of you who just don’t have the time to read something that’s over 1000 words long, and want summaries instead. You’ll find them headlined in bold, so if that’s what you want, feel free to skip around to those parts.
[caption id="attachment_2838" align="aligncenter" width="396"] I also use a few memes I thought were appropriate, because that shit just hasn’t died yet and I still think some are funny.[/caption] For the last few years, or actually since I began living on my own, I began on a path to discover the world through my own eyes. Like most young adults, the journey most important involves a process that combines logical reasoning developed through learning from mistakes, and a path towards discovery of self. It isn’t something you actually think about, but that’s really what’s happening, and it’s this direction that leads to people asking a lot of questions, and seeking out the answers. In your mind you ask them… your ability to pursue the answers is what develops you into who you are. Or at least, that’s how it is supposed to be. How I wanted it to be. TL;DR: Every person is capable of thinking, and discovering on their own, without relying on group think. The intelligent ones do. You will always be a product of what you surround yourself with, but my efforts are to separate as an individual.A moment for a little background
A few years ago, as some of you may know, I slowly began to pay attention to people, and care more about having meaningful conversations about life, motivation, and the world around me; trying to see the world the eyes that were not my own. Opening myself to a world that I hadn’t yet discovered. I have so much more to explore, obviously, but the expansion of knowledge shall be pursued regardless of the limitations imposed on the past, or from my surroundings. It’s never ending for me. TL;DR: I began to engage in conversations that meant something to me, and allowed me to see the world through a variety of eyes. To gain a well-rounded understanding of people’s thoughts, feelings, motivations, and most importantly, the background they come from that forms those thoughts, feelings, and motivations. Part of this is what caused me to become a bit more political, and have conversations with people about common issues. It’s helped me discover more about my values, and my position on things. I’ve gathered information resources to better shape the world around me, and better judge the type of people I’d like to spend time with… but that process has run its course, and it’s now time to move on to other more relevant and important things to move me forward in life. Part of growth is removing waste. Political discourse has become a waste of time. It was useful for quite a while, but not really anymore. [caption id="attachment_2823" align="aligncenter" width="360"] I don’t anymore[/caption] Throughout this adventure of logic and reasoning, I began to see a pattern unfold. It made me interested, but also made it more difficult to continue. People, in their immature form, are easily offended and naturally passionate about matters they don’t adequately understand. They are also, almost always, members of “group think” mentality, using quotes from others, and ways of thought past down to them from family and friends around them. They quite literally are a true product of their environment. There is little adaptation, little shift or movement. They find themselves comfortable with a group of likeminded-ness, even though it does little for them. TL;DR: People naturally just take, believe, and share with others what they are told, because it’s more convenient than finding information independently. I wanted to branch away from that mentality. Taking things from people around me was great, but when I really look into things, and study the evidence in front of me as objectively as possible, I begin to see so many flaws in what some say to me. I begin to see incorrectness, in its pure form, and not just because its different from how I think. If I didn’t care to dig deeper into it, I would have been living with this incorrectness, and likely sharing it with others like a plague. I didn’t want that. [caption id="attachment_2831" align="aligncenter" width="459"] Think for yourself, and you’ll see how foolish these other people look.[/caption] I also began to see a ton of things incorrect about my own thoughts, and my own thinking. I was ridiculously incorrect on so many things, and I love that I was able to admit it, identify it, and adjust because of this. Part of self discovery, and discovery of self (two different things), is being wrong. It’s making mistakes, and assumptions, and statements that aren’t correct to make. That doesn’t mean the facts aren’t there, but rather, they are incomplete. That facts are always there, I just need to figure them out. Decode them, and adjust my way of thinking and living so that they’ll appear for me. TL;DR: I’ve spoken to so many blind people, and discovered so many issues that I had within myself. I found that, as an individual, I wasn’t independent, and I wanted to seek out what others thought to get a well-rounded look at everything. The facts were there, I just needed to be able to admit how wrong I was in order to grow as a person, and discover them. [caption id="attachment_2822" align="aligncenter" width="400"] Please don’t tell me you actually believe this can happen for you?[/caption] Part of this process involved the sharing of controversial ideas. It involved taking positions on topics, something I didn’t really have at the time. I can’t really stay neutral on something and expect to get a reaction worthy of my time. I needed to take a side, and talk with others about their side of the story. I never wanted to “debate” anything. I only wanted to converse and share.“How do I really feel about this? I don’t have enough information to know for sure… let’s engage others in conversation, and get more opinions and viewpoints on the matter to see how others stand on the matter.”