The Day I Helped Film A Western!
Today started out as a difficult day. I had been out with some friends last night, and had “a bit” to drink. While this isn’t normally an issue or a concern in any way, I shouldn’t have stayed up until almost 4:00am when I knew I had to meet at the school at 8:40am. When we all did end up meeting at the school, the weather was horrible. There was 30mph winds, and we actually drove the entire way to Muskegon through snow and tiny hail. It wasn’t looking good for being able to pull off a video taking place in the ol’ west.
Luckily, my body straightened up when we got to the set, and so did the weather a short time after that. I had never truly realized how much fun it was to film a western. I guess I can understand why they created so many of them back in the day… they were entertaining to make!

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