Long Time No Speak… Time For A Bit Of Catchup
Hello everyone! It’s been a long time since I’ve posted here. Actually, it’s the first time since I returned from Vietnam. This is because I’m insanely busy. Here’s a bit of an update, and a rundown on what I’ve been up to.
I’m still working at Fox Buick GMC, at least for now. I honestly have a bit of a hunch, or a vibe or whatever, that Fox may actually look to replace me soon. This doesn’t have anything to do with my performance while at work, but rather because of the amount of time I’m available; or the lack of time that is. I’m back to school now, and my time is occupied pretty much every moment of every day. I wouldn’t blame them if they decided to replace me. It actually makes sense to me. I’d rather I kept the job a bit longer of course, but business is business, and there is a limit to flexibility. My time has to be designated appropriately these days, and I suppose school should be the winner there.
So what’s occupying all my time? Well, for starters I have 13 credit hours at Grand Valley State University. On top of that, I’m a TA for two computer lab sessions, which place me in charge of showing students how to use the popular video editing software “Final Cut Pro.” Aside from that, I’m also a TA for a Computer Image Making course as well. This particular position hasn’t really taken up much time from me yet, but it’s still a time-slot that I can’t use for other things.
Aside from school, I’m still managing “somewhat” popular tech blog, HotTipsCentral.com. However, my latest project, named GV Talent, has taken up so much time that the tech blog hasn’t even been updated in over 9 days (and counting). My passion for this other project, and for filmmaking in general, has distracted me from the technology world, and the web publishing world. It’s a welcome distraction though. I’m enjoying school enough to where I don’t mind the tech blog slowing down.
Video is still where my heart is. I’m enjoying classes quite a bit this year, mostly due to it being everything related to my future career in video. I’m one of the editors of the Grand Valley Summer Feature Film Project, and I’m also involved in a corporate video class, which takes real clients from the local area (non-profits), and pushes us to create captivating video for them. I’ll be doing a video to encourage recycling, as well as another promotional video piece for the Grand Rapids Sister Cities. It should be a challenge, but it’s really nothing different than I’m used to doing already.
Hang and I are still together, and as far as I can tell, our relationship has never been stronger. I cannot speak for the future indefinitely, but I confidently state to all of you that I love her, and I just can’t imagine that changing… ever. I’d love to be able to see more of her, but the physical distance between Mt. Pleasant and Grand Rapids makes that hard, and my tight schedule only complicates that more. Luckily, we’re both busy with our own things, and have a great relationship despite the distance. I still get to see her on some weekends.
I still have lots of stories about Vietnam to tell, but as you can see from everything I’ve said above, my time is rather occupied. I’m writing this now just before I go to bed, to get a least a few hours of sleep (5 hours or less is very common) before waking up early tomorrow and heading into my life all over again. I also plan on writing here more often, although Vietnam will not be the only topic. I’ve got a lot on my mind, and I really feel as though blogging it here is the best way to get it out there, and it really makes me feel great to share.]]>
You are doing a great job in you life… Mom and Dad are very proud of you.. Keep it up… You are an inspiration to a lot of people… You will go far in life… Love you..