7 Things Americans Should Expect When Traveling To Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
1. The heat can be intense, and it rains a lot.
[caption id="attachment_3609" align="aligncenter" width="540"] These aren’t just for fashion. They actually work to cool you off.[/caption]
It goes without much explanation that this city is going to present visitors with high temperatures and a tropical climate, as it rests slightly above the equator. The very first thing you’re going to notice while visiting really any place in south Vietnam, is the heat. This is especially true if visiting between near the summer time. It gets cooler at night, sometimes, but I’m talking 80 degrees and humid kind of cool, not 50 like you’re used to. Of course, in the ‘winter’ time (for America) the temperatures may be around 10 degrees cooler compared to summer, but that’s about all the flex you’ll get with the heat. Prepare for hot nights and much hotter days than you’re likely used to, and plan to drink plenty of water. Many Vietnamese people try to stay inside when the sun is highest in the sky, just because they can have air conditioning in their bedrooms, or at minimum a fan. The middle of the day is an excellent time for a nap if you can afford it with your schedule.
You’ll also notice, especially if traveling in the summer time, that it rains almost every day, sometimes without much warning beforehand. The Vietnamese people are used to this, and adapt incredibly well (it seems like they always have a poncho ready to go). Even if the weather is bright and sunny, if you’re going to be out and about for a while, bring something preparing you for rain. You’ll thank me later.
2. The traffic is insanity.
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3. Air quality is much worse than you’re used to.
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4. You can get good deals if you know the language.
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That was very interesting. I learn a lot from your posts. 🙂 I hope you all have a great time.
Great advice. I trust you schooled the rest of the family.