A WAY OUT – PART 8 – Revenge On Harvey – Co-Op Gameplay (1440p)
Let’s Play A WAY OUT: This is a co-op experience unlike anything I’ve experienced before, and was recorded live on Twitch in collaboration with Katicakes. Our Twitch channels are linked below.
Charlie: twitch.tv/charliepryor Katicakes: twitch.tv/katicakes A WAY OUT Playlist: cpry.net/awayoutYT Subscribe to Charlie for more: goo.gl/7UM5Ph ——————————– SUPPORT Charlie On […]
I think this may just be my favorite story-based game after The Longest Journey series. Really spectacular. A little cliche at times, but I can dig it. Thanks for sharing! Can't wait to see how it ends.
BTW, I kind of thought something like what happened at the end might happen, but not like that. I was guess the other way around. Sorry if that's confusing, trying not to spoil.