Prison Architect Season 4 – Ep 52 – "Why Is There Nobody In Here?" – Gameplay (1440p)
Prison Architect Season 4 – Episode 52: Priming people up for violence. Oh good! – We’ve turned on every optional feature, and a few Mutators! This series continues LIVE and posts edited versions of the live streams here on YouTube – you can catch all the action live on Twitch here: ——– Add Charlie’s […]
Shit is hitting the fan XD
Let the gang leaders free 🙂
I love his freakouts when someone dies
I imagine forgiving a gan leader is like "Hey bud, I know you got in trouble,but your free to go. Just don't do that again.
You need a "send gang leader to solitary" command for chat 😀
do u have an instagram or snapchat
Georgy Stokes. What kind of Scott Gordon rip-off is that?
You deploy 2 much guards because they just walk there and don’t do much only when fight breaks out in that area