KARA: THE PIRATES’ COVE – Detroit: Become Human – 18 – Blind Gameplay Let’s Play

Detroit Become Human Blind Gameplay – Part 18: Today we continue our adventure in Detroit: Become Human, a Let’s Play all about choices, and questioning what it means to be “alive.” Gameplay is BLIND
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If you enjoy this content, you’ll probably like the previous Story-driven experiences we’ve had here in the past, some of which are linked below:
Mass Effect: Andromeda: cpry.net/masseffectandromedaYT
Divinity Original Sin 2: cpry.net/divinityYT
A Way Out: cpry.net/awayoutYT
Tomb Raider: cpry.net/tombraiderYT

BUY Detroit: Become Human yourself and support Charlie at the same time by buying it on the Epic Game Store here: store.epicgames.com/charlie/detroit-become-human

Streaming/encoding system hardware can be found in the panels of my Twitch channel

#detroitbecomehuman #detroitgameplay #charliepryor

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  1. The Christmas Miracle. It was getting that time of the year. The invitation for the annual gathering. A treatment for those who are socially vulnerable. Bones (a restaurant) invites us for a free dinner and alot of presents (gathered from all the shops in town). The Blue Cross Cafe went with joy, tears and laughter. It was a bless as usual. Except for one thing. They had forgotten one. She was at home unaware of all the warmth and tenderness going on. The next day she visited The Blue Cross Cafe. They apologized in any way they could. But wasn't quite sufficient. To be forgotten at this time of year is the worst feeling ever. She sat playing some games with other users of the cafe. Out of the corner of her eye, she catched a glimpse of the owner of Bones carrying in all of the leftover presents inside. Little did she know what was about to happen. One of the employees came out and said: Come here, got something to show you. She went along. In the room was this huge box. This was the message: This is a box of presents that Bones has gathered just for you. When they learned that this woman was "forgotten", 'cause they remembered her from past years, they gathered all these things. They remembered her kids as well, so there was presents for them as well. For her, it wasn't about the presents or the food. It was about the christmas spirit. In that moment of getting that present from Bones for sure became a Christmasmiracle to her. To this day it still remains as one of my favourite things. 🙂

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