READY FOR HARD MODE? – FINALE – Academia School Simulator Gameplay – 19 – Let’s Play
Let’s Play Academia School Simulator – FINALE: Fresh Fish Academy is our school in Academia School Simulator, a game where we are the architects of a school, and all the futures growing within it. Oh boy! 👇 SEE MORE BELOW 👇 Add Charlie’s Stream schedule to your Google Calendar! ACADEMIA: SCHOOL SIM PLAYLIST: […]
Great job with this school really digging the series Char excited to see the next school and when u go for number 1 stay safe and have fun
There is a way for you to assigt the cafereria to each classroom and thing and you already research it you dingy
Hope you all enjoyed that! The next school starts later today too! I'm doing my best to kick out great content for a variety of people every day! If you like my videos, and feel interested in supporting this full time effort, consider checking out the Patreon campaign and the perks that are associated with supporting the channel here: – You can also hit the "Join" button here on YouTube to get almost the same benefits (no end credits) as a Silver Patron, plus a cool little badge next to your name when you comment. 🙂 Thank you so much for watching. I'll see you in the next one today!
Your 98% didn't have to do with their score on the exam, but instead with the 2% that didnt pass (i.e. dropped out).
Yeah! Your videos are so awesome! I hope you have as much fun making them as we do watching them!
I’m ready!!