The Cuba Documentary Needs Your Help! Make This Documentary Possible!
Back in January 2012, I went to Cuba on a quest to capture a story that no one has seen before. Through the seven days on the island, myself and the fourty others that traveled in the group with me experienced a culture that not many Americans have seen before. We went to the island nation of Cuba.
The goal for the GVSU baseball team was to join the Cuban people on the same playing field, and organize a meeting that has only even occurred one other time in history (and that was with a professional team). The Cuban people were excited, because we’re all able to put aside political disagreements, and engage each other on equal ground. It wasn’t big guy versus little guy when it came to baseball; everyone was equal. But it was more than about baseball. It’s a story about culture, and the humanitarian efforts of First Hand Aid, a small non-profit dedicated to helping the people of Cuba. They bring medical supplies to the sick and poor, and help aid in the preservation of life for those who have no financial means of supporting everyone. The baseball team from Grand Valley State University helped bring those supplies to the people of Cuba, and along the way, experienced a culture unlike anything they’ve witnessed before. For many of the players, this was their first time outside of the United States. This film… tells their story. CLICK HERE for preview So far, we’ve got over 150 hours of footage, and more than 14 personal accounts (interviews) of the experience during the 6 days abroad. The documentary film, which has no official name at this time (it’s merely called The Cuba Documentary for now) will give people around the nation (and potentially the world) the opportunity to witness and share the experiences of these young student athletes, and to get a taste of the Cuban culture that most Americans will never see (because of a silly embargo). That much is done, but there is a lot more to this story… that’s where you come in. The most touching moments of this amazing story comes from outside of the Havana streets. As I’ve explained here, the most meaningful part of my personal journey on the island nation came from the four hours I spent with First Hand Aid. What I witnessed, was unlike anything the players got a chance to see. I went outside “tourist” areas of Cuba. I went beyond the guided tours that our group was taken on. I got to see the heart of Cuba for a brief moment. To see the poverty, the hardship, and the life that each hardworking Cuban man and woman has to go through to survive, and be happy. For that brief moment, I began to understand what Cuba was really like. I need more. If this film is to be successful, it will have to tell more of the real story from Cuba. It will need to go beyond tourist areas, and dig into the heart of the country. What I can show you, will be powerful. We’ll go into the rural areas, help the poor, give medicine to the sick, and aid hospitals in their efforts to make life in Cuba more comfortable for everyone. We’ll speak to the people, and get exclusive insight into their feelings, and their day-to-day life. With six more days, I’ll travel with First Hand Aid once again, camera in hand, bringing an entirely different world to the American people. More Info: See More Updates From The Cuba Project Here In order to travel once again, I’ve begun a campaign to raise money for travel expenses. I’m unable to get the resources for a plane ticket back to the country, and so I’ve begun an effort to raise support for this cause. Your donation will be largely appreciated, and will go completely towards the expenses of travel and living among Cuba’s most interesting communities. Donations are made to First Hand Aid, a non-profit seeking to help the people of Cuba, and everything given is Tax-Deductable. Your name, should you choose to give to this effort, will be featured on the “Special Thanks” of the film credits, which may be aired nation wide in a couple short years. If there is excessive funds (which would be so amazing), the remaining money will go to First Hand Aid, so that they can continue their efforts. You can make this documentary possible. The story will simply be incomplete without this second trip. We have the skills and equipment to created an unforgettable viewing experience. We just need to get there. In total, we’re looking to raise $2,200. If we exceed this amount, remaining funds will go to First Hand Aid. Again, everything is tax-deductable. I thank you for your part in making this film a reality for us all. On behalf of First Hand Aid, Grand Valley State University, and myself, I thank you for joining us in making the world a better place. (Please note that the form was not made by me directly. The form is brought to us by [charliead]]]>(Visited 87 times, 1 visits today)