The Videography Business Startup Checklist

I’ve finally bought a camera!! Woot Woot! It’s a Canon 60D, which with a simple Google search, you’ll see is quite a nice setup to have. I’ve also got one lens, which will take care of close-range stuff, and offers a pretty nice wide-angle use as well. I’ve got a lot to check off though, so I’ll be putting a list of the stuff I still need right here on this page, so you guys can see my progress. When this list is complete, there will be very few jobs I won’t be able to take, and I’ll finally be able to build up a resume, make some income, and open up a lot of other opportunities. One thing I’ve found out over the last month or so, is that camera equipment is very expensive, and the lenses (which I did little research on before buying the camera) are more costly than I though before. Still, I’m making progress, and you can stay up to date with the progress with this checklist:   Original Checklist (from my computer):

  1. Camera – $700 – $1200 (Purchased Canon 60D for $860)
  2. Close range/wide angle lens $150 – $400  (Purchased Tamron 17-50mm f2.8 for $350)
  3. Low-light fast lens – Nikon 50mm f1.4 (about $100-$200)
  4. Long-range Portrait lens – around $900 (Purchased Nikon 80-200mm f2.8 for $720)
  5. Carrying bag – preferably one that holds a laptop as well ($62 – $58 in eBay bucks = $4)
  6. Tripod – heavy, sturdy, high-quality. Cheap is a big mistake (between $150 – $400)
  7. Audio EquipmentRode Videomic Pro with boom and Deadcat (about $300)
  8. Larger SD Card – Class 6+, 32GB or more (Purchased 32GB Class 10 for $55)
  9. Extra Battery (Purchased Canon Genuine battery for $65)
Extra Items Purchased Not Originally On the list:
  • GlideCam 4000 Pro – Amazing device used for stabilizing a moving camera shot – $282  [DEMO HERE]
  As you can see, I’ve managed to grab some of the more difficult things to get a hold of already. I’ll be saving up some money over the next few months, and hopefully I’ll manage to get the rest of this stuff soon. Feel like helping out? I pay back every person that ever helps me in 6 months or less guaranteed! You can click the button at the bottom of the site if you’d like to help. Thanks!   CURRENT HEROS:
Rosey Ferguson - $96.50 (October 1, 2011)
[charliead] ]]>

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