It's Time To Make A Film! I'm Going Back To Cuba In Late June (CONFIRMED)

First Hand Aid, a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing medical aid to the Cuban people, I’ll travel across rural areas of the island country that the GVSU Baseball team didn’t get the opportunity to see. I’m uncertain as to our exact agenda, but I’m not entirely concerned about it right now. There are still quite a few weeks ahead of me until I leave with them at the end of June, and there is a lot of planning to do on my end to ensure I have everything I need to make the journey a success. This time the experience will be a lot different. Gone are the times where I can spend my nights in a fancy hotel by the pool, and eat complementary breakfast and dinners as I travel down the glass elevators to the first highly decorated floor. No people, this time I’m going to get into the action of what it’s like to work as an aid to the poor people of Cuba. Those who are in need, and those who have little as far as tangible goods and luxuries. Many of the people don’t even have enough drinking water and as I witnessed first hand during my first stay, a lot of times some of these people need to work very hard to get enough food to feed each other. I’ll be coming back from my internship in Hollywood, California around June 20th, and then I’ll have just 2 days to prepare myself for the trip once again to Toronto, Ontario. Due once again to politics, we must leave out of Canada in order to fly to Cuba. This second journey will last from June 23rd – June 30th, and I’ll most likely get back in Michigan in time to get a quick rest before I begin completing the Business part of my educational career. WE STILL NEED LOTS OF HELP TO FUND THIS PROJECT! Please consider reading more about donating to our cause. You should keep up with all updates related to this project, and travel experiences from Cuba by checking out the Cuba feed. [charliead]]]>

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  1. Charlie we am so proud of you… You are going to do a wonderful job in California and they are not going to want you to leave. Then going to Cuba again, I am a little worried about that again, but I know you are doing what you want and are good at. You will make a great film and I can't wait to see everything you will do. In your career you will do lots of traveling… so get used to it… Love you.. Mom and Dad.

    1. Charie…it sounds so exciting! Bring me back some authentic secret down-home Cuban recipes ♥ Take care and be careful ♥

    2. A good friend of ours, from Montral, says her 92 yr. old father went to Cuba for 2 wks. this past March. He goes there almost every year (but, I'm sure stays at an all inclusive resort).

  2. Charlie we am so proud of you… You are going to do a wonderful job in California and they are not going to want you to leave. Then going to Cuba again, I am a little worried about that again, but I know you are doing what you want and are good at. You will make a great film and I can't wait to see everything you will do. In your career you will do lots of traveling… so get used to it… Love you.. Mom and Dad.

    1. Charie…it sounds so exciting! Bring me back some authentic secret down-home Cuban recipes ♥ Take care and be careful ♥

    2. A good friend of ours, from Montral, says her 92 yr. old father went to Cuba for 2 wks. this past March. He goes there almost every year (but, I'm sure stays at an all inclusive resort).


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