Prison Architect 2.0 – Ep 47 – GORDON’S NEW FRIEND! – Let’s Play
Let’s Play Prison Architect 2.0 – EPISODE 47. In this episode, maximum security yard is getting a massive overhaul, being brought outdoors in the line of sniper sight in hopes to reduce the violence in the area. Also, the outdoor lighting situation is getting sorted out, and Scott Gordon gets a new friend. ———- Support […]
the lockdown drove me cracy ;D
Man, you were right about this episode!
Am I the only one having issues with the audio on youtube videos or is it still my crappy laptop?
Charlie: "I'm pretty sure these guys [Max Sec] are going to kick off less now. What are these guys doing?" They are kicking off Charlie. 🙂 They like to make your life difficult.
Prayer mats in the yard, Charlie =)
Use dismantle tool
Oh yeah by the way the maximums can't get to the exports and that's why there are so many lisence plates
Lol 15:30 at the remainder of the yard there are like 5 guards
This was published on my birthday (=
Woo who dode!