Prison Architect 2.0 – Ep 49 – Lets Have A Little Vote! – Let’s Play
Let’s Play Prison Architect 2.0 – EPISODE 49. In this episode, we’re settling a few disputes, handling a takeover in the yard in typical fashion, and then deciding where to go from here! And also some other stuff happened. ———- Support Charlie on Patreon: Prison Architect 2.0 Outdoor Prison Playlist: Follow Charlie on […]
I think next episode you should expand to the left for MAX (Temporarily)
Then Land expand across the street and make that your max side, and convert this side to Med
Death row plz. Keep up the good work!
DEATH ROW. And you should move your sniper tower in the max yard a bit south. the line of sight to the yard entrance from the canteen is blocked by the shop. that may have saved ya a few guards
Oh when's the next episode out
I gave u a thumbs up for the trump comment.
I Vote Land Epansion!! you still don't have it researched. you have plenty of room left if you unlock it. have like 3000 prisoners
Remember when Charlie was saying around episode 20 how do you make money ok this game well this is how patience and discipline
way too many pauses..
When Charlie took his big loan, he sold some shares. I wonder in which episodes he will do it…
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