Mass Effect: Andromeda – Ep 01 – An In-Depth Story-Driven Experience – Gameplay
LET’S PLAY MASS EFFECT: ANDROMEDA – EPISODE 01 – Welcome to Andromeda! This is a new experience that I’m super excited to share with you all! Obviously, as this is a story-driven experience, there is likely to be every spoiler possible in it at some point, as well as references to previous games. If you […]
Ahhhhh yeah! This is going to be great!
You keep playing games I haven't/probably won't get a chance to play myself, and it's great. Looking forward to this as a newcomer to the Mass Effect series (literally only know that it exists and the main character of the first series is named Shepard).
A lot of games lately have been going far and beyond the call of duty for creating their lore and letting players find said lore in the games. I sadly only played Mass Effect 3 on the WiiU. The game was really good and i love some of the skills certain classes got. Bionics, Techician and some of the other more sifi/"magical" like classes were my favorite. I can't remember them all. Also, using the word "magical" loosely as in describing its almost "mystical" looks despite it all being base on science/scientific theory.
Basically I love this game series mostly for the same reasons HotTips mentioned in the beginning of his video…Other than the whole playing all three games and multiple playthroughs. I never even beat the third game sadly. Might return to it after I beat all my other crap. Lol
I don't know why, but in my phone the video buffers faster than my PC (But my PC overall is better than my smartphone) the only downside it's that my Phone only support 480p. And I really wanna watch this series in 1080, so I need to wait for the video to load
But it is worth it 
This go way long in to the future, but I can Imagine ourselves going to the first scouts missions on Proxima B or Trappist I or who nows where….
You went back to the ruins twice … and had plenty of time to explore if you had just not run aimlessly around. If you get a call for help you have plenty of time to do what you want … just don't move on before you are ready. You are playing the game … don't let it play you. If you are worried about not getting to help the others in time then save the game and then look around. Take your time, and if the time constraint is real then reload the save.
All I can say is wow. Really this is the first experience I have had with the mass effect series. Haven't even seen any of the trailers for this game. Can't wait to see where this goes
Can't keep up with your tempo but I want to watch all episodes eventually !