Kerbal Space Program [1.2.2] – Ep 88 – Minmus Ground Resource Base (Part 3) – Let’s Play

Conquering Kerbal Space Program EPISODE 88: In this episode, we’re continuing the work on our Minmus Ground Resource Base, and working through some unexpected issues.

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The ultimate goal of my Conquering Kerbal Space Program series is to put a fully 100% self-sufficient base (closed-loop) on the surface of every planet in the stock solar system (orbital station on gas giant). We’re running with USI Life Support and Remote Tech as well, to spice up the difficulty here.

We’re utilizing different classes for Kerbals than what stock KSP offers. You can find details on all Kerbal jobs/classes available at this page:

Pryor Interstellar, Inc. is looking for talented and driven individuals ready to experience the wonders of space! Whether you’re more technically savvy, more into exploration, science focused, or you have piloting experience, PII is looking for people like YOU!

SAVE MONEY ON KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM by buying it on Kinguin. I’ll receive a commission on this link, and you receive the full game for way less!

STEAM Store Link:
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This is a heavily modded play-through with the new KSP 1.2.2 version, in 64-bit mode! Woot!

PC SPECS (All links are affiliate)

MB: ASUS X99-Deluxe/3.1
CPU: Intel i7-5930K OC @4.2ghz
Cooler: Corsair H100i GTX Liquid Cooler
RAM: 32GB G.Skill Ripjaws V series DDR4
Video Card: Asus Geforce GTX 1080 STRIX-Gaming (8GB)
PSU: Corsair 1000W 80+ Platinum
Storage: 2X Sandisk SSDs = 1.3TB total
-plus other conventional storage drives for media and backup

This gaming footage contains commentary for educational purposes, and is used and monetized under the publicly expressed permission by Squad, the developers and copyright holders of Kerbal Space Program, as stated in item 1 under the Miscellaneous section of their FAQ: SQUAD Logo and gaming footage may be used, as stated by Squad Staff on their public forums and website:

All music by Otis McDonald:

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  1. Once you get the planetary logistics module you should be able to have one on the main space station, and one on the ground that is apart of a ground bass on Kerban. The ground station can mine and refine resources on the ground, while the logistics module share them with the one in orbit. This means that you only need to get crew to the station and any extra resouces on Kerban can be recovered for extra cash.

    I believe that this is how the module works. Just trying to help.

  2. That hab timer is the most unbalanced thing in the life support mod. Some stock crew cabins have a time as short as 7 days. As far as I know, no space plane parts or 1.25m parts increase it (i.e. adding the two seat passenger cabin does nothing). The smallest/lightest part which increases hab time is the hitchhiker can. Its trivially easy to pack enough supplies for a month and a half for 2 or 3 kerbals for quick minmus mission, but the hab time kills you. I ended up building an expendable ship with an inflatable hab module stuck on the side so my kerbals wouldn't go tourist on a routine mission. Its ugly as sin and would make any cargo bay impracticable to use. And just think, Lovell and Borman spent nearly 14 days in a Gemini capsule, the interior of which was about the size of a sports coupe.

  3. Noticed when you tried to do the crew transfers you were accelerating time, is it one of those mods that don't like to function correctly with time acceleration? Have you tried it without it? Just odd it wouldn't work all the sudden.


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