Prison Architect Season 2 – Ep 03 – Paving The Way To A Cleaner Prison! – Let’s Play

Let’s Play Prison Architect Season 2 – Episode 3: Today we’re cleaning up the prison and paving new roads for a brighter future!

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Playlist For Prison Architect Season 2:

Mod Collection (Steam):

If you enjoy this content, you’ll probably like the last prison I built as well, with the Prison Town Project. You can see that one here:

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The central hub for the Charlie Community and the best people who follow this channel, is on Discord! Check it out! It’s free:

Prison Architect is a game where you plan and design a prison from scratch, and then manage it and all the potential problems that go with it. From proper segregation to maintaining happiness within the population to prevent riots and improve rehabilitation, players in Prison Architect are tested on their abilities to solve problems before they get out of hand, while also managing a budget and growing their business.

The concept of building and managing a prison is a dark one, but Introversion Software, the creators of Prison Architect, have done an awesome job at bringing this conceptually difficult game into a lighthearted and fun environment, with fun graphics to go with it.

SAVE MONEY ON Prison Architect by buying it on Kinguin. I’ll receive a commission on this link, and you receive the full game for way less!

STEAM Store Link:
Introversion Software:

I hope you enjoy this series. I intend to play it for as long as there is interest in it. I know this isn’t a new game, but I hope to present a style that is enjoyable, despite perhaps seeing the game before.

PC SPECS (All links are affiliate):

MB: ASUS X99-Deluxe/3.1
CPU: Intel i7-5930K OC @4.2ghz
Cooler: Corsair H100i GTX Liquid Cooler
RAM: 32GB G.Skill Ripjaws V series DDR4
Video Card: Asus Geforce GTX 1080 STRIX-Gaming (8GB)
PSU: Corsair 1000W 80+ Platinum
Storage: 2X Sandisk SSDs = 1.3TB total


This gaming footage contains commentary for educational purposes, and is used and monetized under the publicly expressed permission by Introversion Software, the developers and copyright holders of Prison Architect, as stated in by their staff on their public forums and website:

Ending music by Otis McDonald:

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  1. Nice episode. If you want a challenge, design each building to have 2 entrances (or egress points) as it would need to have per building codes. Really liking the series, I also don't mind the longer episodes, but whatever you think is best.

  2. I think the majority of people like shorter videos because sometimes you don't have that much time .. i still vote for longer videos though

    Great video Charlie !! Keep up the good work 👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼

  3. @HotTips! I know you want to post these episodes as quickly as possible but not too quick that the videos is inconsistent.. But i would like to suggest that you maybe post your videos on a specific time like 14h00 or if you play a lot you can post them each 6h apart from one another or something like that (if you understand what i mean) so that the viewers (aka supporters😉) can make it like a routine or schedule to watch your videos and build there regime around it .. Im sure most people will agree because most times we have a brake and we're waiting for your videos .. then we start working and BOOM next video and no one likes work so we stop and watch the video and then screw up our schedule

    Big fan and I actually just realised how tough this series or season is gonna be 😶


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