The Pryors In Vietnam: Our Trip Has Officially Begun
drive my car to Hollywood faster than that. There to greet us will be Hang’s mother, father, her brother Tuan, and most likely a silver minivan that will no doubt fit a surprising amount of stuff. I don’t believe it’ll actually be able to haul everything this time though, since there are 7 of us. That makes 10 passengers total after we land. There will certainly be two cars this time. It will be roughly 2:30pm local time when we land, so the day will be at its peak in terms of how warm it is. It is, however, the cooler part of the year there right now, so it shouldn’t be that bad. I’ll try and capture “the good stuff” for you all on this blog, and I’ll be writing two or three blog posts every night while I’m there, at least for the first few days. I think the part I’m most excited about sharing is the wedding, obviously, because it will most likely be a totally different experience to anything I’ve experienced before. I have no idea when I’ll share them… but you know me… eventually, they find their way here. Stay tuned! [charliead]]]>
Look forward to reading your blogs Charlie!
Glad we get to share in the excitement!! Grandma doesn't even look scared! Haha! Hope you are having a smooth flight!! Love you all!
Wondering what the person is looking at behind your dad-his butt or wallet.
Probably his butt. A friend of mine says he has a nice butt!! Haha!
Disregard my earlier I see you all have flown together. That would be
Oops I meant * That would be exciting