Here Are Our Chosen 31 Vietnam Wedding Photos (Raw Gallery)

Photo credit: Ồ Production
Photo credit: Ồ Production

I almost sat on an ant hill here, which I imagine would be a bad thing since one of those suckers already bit me in the foot once while we were at the first location (while I was wearing sandals, before I changed to the tux). The bite spot turned red and itchy very quickly, so I can only imagine what it would have been like to just sit down on a hole filled with them.
So I instead sat about 6-8 feet away from the hole, and when Hang sat down in my lap like this, the photographer actually said aloud “sexy” (translated to English here, of course). We had a few photos to choose from for this shot, and it was a tough choice for the album, but we decided on this one in the end.

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