Here Are Our Chosen 31 Vietnam Wedding Photos (Raw Gallery)

Photo credit: Ồ Production
Photo credit: Ồ Production

Bond. Charles Bond. – At least, that’s how I feel about my stance in this photo. I usually don’t like photos with two people just standing there looking at a camera. It lacks the creativity that inspires the art that I’m so used to wanting out of work, both featuring me and produced by me. However, if there is one thing I learned from this shoot, it’s that my idea of creativity actually lacks creativity in a lot of ways, and our photographer saw things throughout the day that I simply didn’t. I have a whole new idea of what can make a good photo now, and there is something about my stance and the way I look here that forced me to flag it for the album. I don’t know if Hang feels the same way about it as I do, but my secret agent look shines nicely in this image.
Also, the photographer commented that I looked handsome from all angles… Even my wife doesn’t tell me that! HAHA!

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