Here's What Two Minutes At A Ho Chi Minh Intersection Is Like

I talked about how crazy the traffic in Ho Chi Minh City is, and have mentioned it a few times after (such as when giving advice to travelers who are looking to come here). This time, I’d like to narrow down the traffic craziness to simply showing you a single intersection, for two minutes. Two minutes at a Ho Chi Minh Intersection is pretty much enough said, as far as what it’s like here all the time. Oh, and one more thing… this isn’t rush hour. Not even close. Can you imagine what it would be like to drive a scooter in this city? How difficult it would be to get anywhere you needed to go in a car, without hitting somebody? I’ll give it to them… they’ve got talent for sure. But, just in case you’d like to know what it’s like to ride a scooter in this city, my brother went ahead and recorded a trip for us all to see. It’s not available to see yet, but when it is you’ll be able to get an up close and personal look at his “scooter cam” with an updated link here, without any of the danger associated with it. [charliead]]]>

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