KARA: ZLATKO – Detroit: Become Human – 14 – Blind Gameplay Let’s Play

Detroit Become Human Blind Gameplay – Part 14: Today we continue our adventure in Detroit: Become Human, a Let’s Play all about choices, and questioning what it means to be “alive.” Gameplay is BLIND
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If you enjoy this content, you’ll probably like the previous Story-driven experiences we’ve had here in the past, some of which are linked below:
Mass Effect: Andromeda: cpry.net/masseffectandromedaYT
Divinity Original Sin 2: cpry.net/divinityYT
A Way Out: cpry.net/awayoutYT
Tomb Raider: cpry.net/tombraiderYT

BUY Detroit: Become Human yourself and support Charlie at the same time by buying it on the Epic Game Store here: store.epicgames.com/charlie/detroit-become-human

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  1. You seemed worry that you did things Kara would not do, but a mother will do anything to protect her child, even kill if she feels it is the only way to keep her child safe.

  2. This chapter was intense by every sense of the word, I love how it kind of has that sci-fi horror genre twist to it. Along with the timer and music it really grates on your soul, totally sells the overall feeling and theme to it. I was nervous for you the whole time, it reminded me of my first play through of it.

  3. Conner is about learning what it is to be human, maybe to becoming deviant, and bridging friendship where its not wanted or expected, not a spoiler, just my take on his attitude and the story line.

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