Long War 2 – Let's Play XCOM 2 – Part 01 – The New Operation Gate Crasher

Let’s Play XCOM 2 – Long War 2 – EPISODE 01: Operation Gate Crasher. Welcome everyone to another series here at Charlie, and this one is going to be one of my favorites, I just know it. I’ve been waiting for Long War 2 to come out before starting this game, and it went and released while I was on my vacation! It may not be day one, but it’s gonna be awesome anyways!

If you have never heard of XCOM, and you need introduced to what’s going on with this, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you watch Episode 00 of this series FIRST, BEFORE WATCHING THIS VIDEO. It will give you a summary of the events that happened in XCOM: Enemy Unknown, which is the first game within this storyline. It’s a 12 minute video I put together to catch you up, which published at the same time as this video did. Please watch that first if you need caught up on events. www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQTfo_tTBts

THEN: There’s a little bit more story in the tutorial missions, which we won’t be doing for this playthrough, as well as some of the absolute basics of gameplay, which I also won’t be covering in depth much. This information and these gameplay concepts can be seen by watching the first 2 episodes of the LP I did for this game when it was first released over a year ago. I ended up abandoning that series with work increasing, but the videos are still available

Part 1: www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCAYPTFxeNw
Part 2: www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFUlgHB42Pk

After watching those, you are completely caught up and ready to rock with this series!!!

To get into the game, you’ll either need to claim a soldier as they come in and are promoted, or submit one to be in the game. Instructions for that can be found here:

The MOD LIST for this series is also linked within that webpage above.

New Website: hottipsmedia.com
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Long War 2 – XCOM 2 Playlist: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsBoF66x4ZmB1tB4K0OscTjpNi1tM33ry

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XCOM 2 is the sequel to XCOM: Enemy Unknown, the 2012 award-winning strategy game of the year.

Earth has changed. Twenty years have passed since world leaders offered an unconditional surrender to alien forces. XCOM, the planet’s last line of defense, was left decimated and scattered. Now, in XCOM 2, the aliens rule Earth, building shining cities that promise a brilliant future for humanity on the surface, while concealing a sinister agenda and eliminating all who dissent from their new order.

Only those who live at the edges of the world have a margin of freedom. Here, a force gathers once again to stand up for humanity. Always on the run, and facing impossible odds, the remnant XCOM forces must find a way to ignite a global resistance, and eliminate the alien threat once and for all.

New Episodes will be posted here when they are edited and available, and may take different forms and pace as time goes on. A link to a full post covering the episode will be linked as the first thing in this description if available.

SAVE MONEY ON XCOM 2 by buying it on Kinguin. I’ll receive a commission on this link, and you receive the full game for way less! www.kinguin.net/category/24240/xcom-2-steam-cd-key/?r=11604

STEAM Store Link: store.steampowered.com/app/268500/
XCOM website: xcom.com

I hope you enjoy this series. I intend to play it for as long as there is interest in it. It is easily one of the best (and most difficult) turn-based strategy games of all time. It’s really fun to play this.


MB: ASUS X99-Deluxe/3.1 amzn.to/2goCN7x
CPU: Intel i7-5930K OC @4.2ghz amzn.to/2gVhifX
Cooler: Corsair H100i GTX Liquid Cooler amzn.to/2h1Yn1T
RAM: 32GB G.Skill Ripjaws V series DDR4 amzn.to/2gUXuf3
Video Card: Asus Geforce GTX 1080 STRIX-Gaming (8GB) amzn.to/2h21F4Z
PSU: Corsair 1000W 80+ Platinum amzn.to/2h20VNt
Storage: 2X Sandisk SSDs = 1.3TB total amzn.to/2gCItOk


This gaming footage contains commentary for educational purposes.

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