Prison Architect Season 2 – Ep 26 – Our New Violent Guests! – Let’s Play
Let’s Play Prison Architect Season 2 – Episode 26: Today we’re intaking maximum security prisoners after implementing partial segregation. Full segregation is yet to be done, but will be soon. The central hub for the Charlie Community and the best people who follow this channel, is on Discord! Check it out! It’s free: Playlist […]
The protected custody staffroom…ugh otherwise great prison lol
I suggest you get armoured doors at the exits of your prison (interiour/extririour) In my prison, a giant group of prisonners ran towards the exits even tho there were multiple (5) great prison doors, and an armoury with 1-2 armed guards. The prisonners ran for it :/ A large group.
I want to learn more about "routing". If you find anything about it I would like to know
Hey, @HotTips! only minimum and normal security inmates can have babies (and also technically protective custody but they would have started out as min or normal)
The notebook pages don't necessarily describe things that exist– they are ideas the devs had, some of which made it into the game, some were tweaked, some were scrapped.
In my prison, Medium sec is my money bags mostly because they have low ties medium sentences so they have more time increase their reform and decrease their reoffending chance and they become eligible for parole 82% of the time.
At first, I thought the snitch was in gang
Good luck with the max sec population. Time to see if the randomness of the gave gives you another scott gordon. Hoping so
Hey Charlie. I've decided that you're DEFINITELY a better prison architect than I. As I was transitioning to a max only facility, I got tired on waiting on the normal sec to filter out. So I upgraded them all to max.
It's in deployment. Sorry. By now I know you know this.