Driving Across The Country To Hollywood, California (Introduction)

Hollywood” section in the Travel tab above is the place to go for everything involving updates from Hollywood, and anything regarding my new internship. I’ll not only share updates from the road and cool stories from traveling, but I’ll also be talking about the differences in living on the west-coast to that of what I’m familiar with in Michigan. I look forward to seeing the city of angels (LA), and I look forward to sharing it with you all. See More: This is the Fastest Route To Take For This Trip Thanks again for following me. If you’d like updates from this blog in your Facebook news feed, click “Like” in the box to the right. If you’d like updates on everything that’s happening with me, including that which isn’t on the blog, click one of the “Subscribe” buttons above. As always, feel free to leave comments here on the site below any post. I love reading your input! [charliead]]]>

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  1. If you see a Golden Star Burgers or Douglas Burgers…stop and eat there. Best burgers and pastrami in the world! Burgers are char-broiled ♥.

  2. If you see a Golden Star Burgers or Douglas Burgers…stop and eat there. Best burgers and pastrami in the world! Burgers are char-broiled ♥.


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